Monday, April 27, 2015


This week has been a really good week as far as the work goes! I keep forgetting to write in my journal so that is why my emails have been a little short. But we had a really active week this week. We met some really cool people and had some really cool experiences. 

Well to begin this week I had an ingrown toenail. I don't want to send a picture. I think you will freak out. This happened Monday. All the last week I had pain in my toe. I was trying to take care of it myself and I thought it would go away. But obviously it didn't. We found a nurse in the Sisters area that is a member and she offered to operate on it. I wasn't very enthusiastic about that. I knew it would hurt sooo bad!! But that night we went to the members house and she told me that she has been practicing Podologia or the study of toes for 13 years. I didn't even know there was such a practice. We arrived at 5 and left at 6:30!!! It hurt sooo bad! I couldn't walk that day so we didn't work. I started to think about the Atonement of Christ during my operation. And that he had felt this pain. Something as silly has a ingrown toenail--he has felt that pain. 

But last week we found a really cool kid. He lives by a Emmanuel Church. He told us that we could come by and talk with him that Friday. We arrived at the designated time and he wasn't there but we found ourselves with his brother. Who was a die hard member of the other church. We started talking. We started talking about baptism. And he told us that by faith we will all be saved. I told him directly that he was wrong. And we read John 3:1-5. After that the things he was saying were contradicting the things that he said earlier. He told us that we were Anti-Bibles. But we explained to him that we were reading out of the Bible. He didn't say much after that. A little later we was just trying to argue with us. And so we left.

We have been working with a young man to get him baptized. But last week he didn't come. We taught him that what he did was not okay. And we explained The Day of Rest of the 100th time to him. But this time it stayed. And that same week we visited him again to teach him The Commandments and we repassed The Day of Rest. We visited him on a Saturday and I asked him what day was tomorrow. And he told me The Day of Rest. And I asked him what we do and he told me we go to church! And this week he came! So this Saturday we are going to have a baptism!! :) Whoo!!!! 

My comp is doing soooo much better! He isn't really homesick anymore. Just Mondays when we write our families! But we have progressed so much! We are great friends now! He is the coolest guy! He is sooo funny! 

We are teaching a family right now they are really cool! They are understanding what we are teaching. But they aren't married! So we are going to invite them to get married and baptized this month! Hope all turns out well. 

I found a scripture that is really cool that I would like to share and it says: (In Spanish) 

Hermanos, yo mismo to pretendo haberlo ya alcanzado; pero una cosa hago:
 olvidando ciertamente lo que queda atrás; y extendiéndome a lo que esta delante. 

Filipenses 3:13

 Brethren, I do intend to have apprehended ; but one thing I do:
 Forgetting what is behind ; and straining toward what is ahead. Philippians 3:13 

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