Monday, February 16, 2015


This week has gone by so fast! We have contacted and contacted so many people this past week. I want to share a few experiences with you. Well to start of we were contacting in a place that we normally don't go. We started to contact the street. And... nothing. I asked my companion if we were doing something wrong as missionaries and he told me, "No we just need to keep looking for the people that are ready." And so we continued and we found a family. This family is honestly the best! When we started to talk with the Mother of the family she told us that she had heard of the missionaries before and that she always wondered what they did. We explained our purpose as missionaries and talked a little bit about the Restoration of the Gospel. She asked us where we attend. After we invited her to attend with us. And she accepted. Yesterday she came and after she asked us when we could visit her and here family again to explain more. We are going to visit her this week. I am super excited!! 

Last week we visited a less active, Br***. She told us that she didn't have time to visit with us in that moment. But we saw that her neighbor was outside with with her family. We asked Br*** if she could introduce us to her. But she told us that her neighbor didn't want anything to do with the Mormons. But in the end she introduced us to her. And so we started to talk and I asked her if she knew that families could be together forever. She told us she didn't know that. And we asked her if she wanted to live with her family forever. And she said of course. After about 4 minutes of talking she invited us in to her house to talk a little bit more. But what surprised me that most was the father. He actually wanted to listen to us. The reason I say that is because what I have seen is that the Fathers here don't normally want to listen to things like that. Anyways we started to give a brief description of who we were and what we taught. We taught a little bit of the Plan Of Salvation to them and after they invited us back for another visit. This family is awesome! 

Now I want to share an experience that happened yesterday! We went to visit a less active member I don't remember her name. But she invited us to eat dinner with her and her cousin, Ab**. We started eating and started talking with them about random topics. But we soon started talking about family and how important it is in our lives. Through the conversation we learned that the mother of Ab** had passed away. In that moment I felt the need to talk about The Plan Of Salvation. I asked him if he thought he would see his mother again. And he told he had no idea. We began to teach. And share scripture that testified that he WOULD see if mother again. I taught most of the lesson because I felt obligated that something inside of me was telling me, " You need to say this, You need to say that." I don't remember well what I said to him. But after I asked him how he felt. He told me, " I feel more peace" And when he said that I told him that he was feeling the love of Christ that God is trying to tell you that these things are true. We invited him to pray to see the things we taught him are true and we accepted. In the end he gave me a big hug. 

I know that The Message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ can change that lives of many. We may not know them or their situations. But there is always a principle of the Gospel in the words of others. 

I want to share a quote from Jeffery R. Holland that I thought was cool he said:

 "Ningún hombre inicuo podría escribir un libro así y ningún hombre bueno lo escribiría, a menos que fuera verdad y que Dios le hubiera mandado." 

No wicked man could write a book like this and no good man would write is, unless that is were true and that God had commanded him. 

Elder Spencer 

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