This week has been really awesome for me! I have had some scriptures studies really be personal and have been able to tune in more with the Spirit! I have been reading in Jesus The Christ a lot! I have loved every word of that book. Truly amazing! I have also been reading in Alma 32 to 33! It has been a really good study and I have grown to love the scriptures more and more each day!
Well this week we have finalized the papers for the marriage that we will be helping a family do in April. Changes are today and sadly my comp has a transfer. But on the bright side I will be training a new missionary fresh from the oven... The MTC!! I am really excited to train and end my mission in such a manner that I too will also be learning!!
Here in Peru they don't celebrate Easter like we do in the States They call it The Holy Week. And what they do to celebrate is is watch Movies of the life of Christ all week! And in some of the houses they only eat fish!!
Just a little story that happened to me yesterday. Well there is this young man from a church that we always run into in the streets. And yesterday we ran into him. Wait.. rewind 3 weeks. We were talking with him and I was basically not being a teacher and not helping him understand the scriptures. It was a very heated conversation... But yesterday we meet him the the street and he started preaching and telling me things that were complete lies. In that moment a voice came to my head that told me to just listen. I listened... and listened... a soon I started to feel really grateful that today we have a living Prophet, President Monson. With some of the things, I tried to help him understand. But he just twisted every word and phrase that I said. We politely excused ourselves and went to church.
During sacrament meeting I was reflecting upon that first time that I met with him and the second. The first time I completely blew up at him. The second time I was compassionate and loving towards him. I know through diligent scripture study we can gain a testimony that is not spoken but felt in our hearts.
Elder Spencer