Monday, March 28, 2016

Awesome Week

Hey mom! 

This week has been really awesome for me! I have had some scriptures studies really be personal and have been able to tune in more with the Spirit! I have been reading in Jesus The Christ a lot! I have loved every word of that book. Truly amazing! I have also been reading in Alma 32 to 33! It has been a really good study and I have grown to love the scriptures more and more each day! 

Well this week we have finalized the papers for the marriage that we will be helping a family do in April. Changes are today and sadly my comp has a transfer. But on the bright side I will be training a new missionary fresh from the oven... The MTC!! I am really excited to train and end my mission in such a manner that I too will also be learning!! 

Here in Peru they don't celebrate Easter like we do in the States They call it The Holy Week. And what they do to celebrate is is watch Movies of the life of Christ all week! And in some of the houses they only eat fish!! 

Just a little story that happened to me yesterday. Well there is this young man from a church that we always run into in the streets. And yesterday we ran into him. Wait.. rewind 3 weeks. We were talking with him and I was basically not being a teacher and not helping him understand the scriptures. It was a very heated conversation... But yesterday we meet him the the street and he started preaching and telling me things that were complete lies. In that moment a voice came to my head that told me to just listen. I listened... and listened... a soon I started to feel really grateful that today we have a living Prophet, President Monson. With some of the things, I tried to help him understand. But he just twisted every word and phrase that I said. We politely excused ourselves and went to church. 

During sacrament meeting I was reflecting upon that first time that I met with him and the second. The first time I completely blew up at him. The second time I was compassionate and loving towards him. I know through diligent scripture study we can gain a testimony that is not spoken but felt in our hearts. 

Elder Spencer

Monday, March 21, 2016


My little friend Piero!! He is 3 years old! 
Us walking to the church and almost getting hit my milliones of motos
Our baptism that we had this saturday 
The family that we will baptize this April!!! 
This is the view from my window 

A shot of my room
Typical Lunch

Monday, March 14, 2016

Elder Robbins

Hey mom
This week has been really fun and a little stressful at the same time. But that is  good combo to keep working. I would like to share some things that happened this week and a couple things that I have been able to learn.
Well first off this week started off really well we have been teaching a family that is really awesome. We taught this Tuesday and invited them to church--to leave their work for a couple hours to come to church and feel Gods love for them. They accepted and came. We are in the process of helping them get baptized! So in April be expecting photos! They have two sons that like to play soccer. We invited them to play soccer with us on Saturday in the morning. They came!! They are fantastic I would love to see this family get married and baptized! I know the Lord will help us!!
We had a special visit from the General Authority Elder Robbins. He is a great speaker. We had to go to Lima to hear him talk!! We heard him talk with The Lima East Mission! And yes I saw Elder Wallace again!! He is doing great! But the thing that touched me during this training was something that he said. He shared a story of a return missionary that was living in a trailer home with his mom and his recently divorced sister. One day he came home to find them dead. He later found out the killer was his brother in law. But this RM went to the prison and asked to talk with his former brother in law--only to say that he had forgiven him. What an act of all the attributes of Jesus. Patience, virtrue, charity, etc. But he said something that really hit me. He said, "There is no need to go through the suffering of heart ache and bad feelings. Christ already suffered those things for us. He can help us. Forgiving is not forgetting."
I know Christ suffered for the sins of the world. So that we might live a better live without those feelings of hatred, and bad will. He did it so that we can become like Him. I have come to understand a lot more thanks to Elder Robbins.
Elder Spencer

Monday, March 7, 2016

Alma and Amulek

Hello mother!

This week we will be having a training with general authority this week the 10th of March!!

Well this week has been a really good week. We had a baptism this week But this week has 2 baptism and we are super stoked. This week flew by so fast! I can't believe that these 2 years are almost up! But for that reason we have to work harder. We found a family that is really amazing that want to come to church and also get married. I know they will get baptized. We will see! I was Reading a part of Alma that really struck my interest. It is when Amulek is talking and arguing with Zeezrom. But something interesting happens at first in Chap 11 they start off telling us about their money system. When I was Reading that I was like what? Why are they telling us about this? This makes no sense? Then I keep Reading until verses 21,22,23 when I realized what was going on. It lists a bunch of money and says that all those are like unto an Ontie. Zeezrom offered amulek 6 onties if he would deny the existence of God. But he said no. 21 And this Zeezrom beganto question Amulek, saying: Will ye answer me a few questions which I shall ask you? Now Zeezromwas a man who was expert‍ in the devices‍ of the devil, that he might destroy that which was good;therefore, he said unto Amulek: Will ye answer the questions which I shall put unto you?

21 And this Zeezrom began to question Amulek, saying: Will ye answer me a few questions which Ishall ask you? Now Zeezrom was a man who was expert‍ in the devices‍ of the devil, that he mightdestroy that which was good; therefore, he said unto Amulek: Will ye answer the questions which Ishall put unto you?
 22 And Amulek said unto him: Yea, if it be according to the Spirit‍ of the Lord, which is in me; for Ishall say nothing which is contrary to the Spirit of the Lord. And Zeezrom said unto him: Behold,here are six onties of silver, and all these will I give‍ thee if thou wilt deny the existence of a SupremeBeing.
 23 Now Amulek said: O thou child‍ of hell, why tempt‍ ye me? Knowest thou that the righteousyieldeth to no such temptations?

I love the courage that Amulek had to say no!

Elder Spencer