Monday, November 24, 2014



Wow sounds like life is full right now for you with work and such! And sounds like a lot is happening in the ward!!! 

Well I want to explain what happened this week! Here we go! 

Well first we have been teaching our investagatores who are going to be baptized this Saturday! Which is awesome! I am soo excited for that! We have been searching for inactive families recently and we went to an area that we normally don't go because it is pretty far. But we went and we were knockin some doors in which we had the addresses and we didn't find anyone! We called our Zone Leader who had been in this area before and he told us which house we need to visit! So we went to this house and we found a really cool lady! She had some crazy stories to tell and we were there for like 45 min listening to her stories! After we told her that we have been looking for her family because they haven't been coming to our ward for 4 or 5 years something like that I don't really remember... but she said that she was active and that she was attending the ward in another stake. We congratulated her but we told her that she is in the system of our ward records and that is it important to attend her home ward which is our ward. And after she said she would start attending our ward! 

We are really focusing on family! We have about 7 inactive families that live in this area of the lady I was talking about. And we asked her if she knew any of the families but unfortuneatly she didn't know any. So right now we are searching for them in order to rescue them! Each day is an adventure! Peru is amazing and I am loving it sooooo much! This place, the experience, the people! It is something alright! Hope all is well! 

Elder Spencer 

This was a note in the blog of Elder Spencer Bradford who is also in the same mission and was MTC roommate with Nate:
Elder Spencer is doing amazing with the language and is going to be a truly amazing missionary. We have talked many times about life in the field and life afterwards. We have helping each other and I know that God put us here together for a reason. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Pressing Forward

We have three baptisms this month on the 29 on Nov! I want to share a little bit about each person that we are going to baptize! 

1. Doctor Cesar, 

He is a doctor of teeth! He is really awesome! His cousin is the second counselor in a stake not to far from where we live! He has had interest in the church for a long time! And he never knew what to do! Until we showed up! In the first lesson we talked about the Plan of Salvation and when we were talking about the Kingdoms of Glory we invited him to baptism and he accepted! We are teaching him to prepare him for the 29! 

2. Irma 

Irma! She was a reference of a member! The member introduced us to her 3 weeks ago! And she has the desire to be baptized also! She is so sweet and genuine when we come over! She loves to here what we have to teach! She came to church yesterday for the first time and later that day we visited her and she said that she felt something different about our church! 

3. Isabel? 

I think her name is Isabel... Not sure... anyways she is autistic. At first with her we didn't really know what to do. Because of her condition she already has the Celestial Kingdom! But when she wants something she is going to get it!! We visited her family yesterday. The house was dark and we knocked and no one answered for a long time. But we waited and waited. And they answered! The mother is a member and tries her hardest to attend church! Her son works on Sundays but we invited him to baptism also and he accepted for the month of December! 

Wow! A lot has happened these past weeks! I went on divisions with the Zone Leader Elder Whitlock! Not the same Zone Leader who is strict because he is cool! Anyways we went on divisions in my area! I was kind of scared but all turned out well! I only got lost once!! On of lessons that we taught was awesome! We taught this less active family they have 2 sons and a mom. I don't know where the dad is... But we were teaching them and there was interruptions like every 7 mins it seemed like! But we were patient with them and we showed them our concern. Oh also the mother has cancer in her stomach. And she is on medication. Anyways we were teaching, and when we were talking about where we go after this life you could feel a spirit in the room and you could sense that everything was going to be alright. You could see it on the faces of the family. It was a very spiritual lesson! 

Elder Spencer 


My week has been full of things that are worthy to share. I have a hard time remembering things so that is why I don't really write much. But I am going to try better to remember. 

Well first off we found this lady. She is so sweet and sincere. She really wants to change her life for the better! She lives up in the hills of Peru! She told us that she has had interest in the Church but never really knew what to do from there. Until one day we showed up at her door and she was very grateful for that. She hasn't been attending church which she said she would do for like the past 2 weeks. I keep visiting her though and we keep promising that the Church is a safe place for us to learn and grow together. I think she has a little bit of fear of the church and applying the change. But no one is perfect and we need to be patient with her. We visited her 2 days ago. And we asked if she had been reading. I already knew that answer when she said no she hadn't been reading. From there my coampanion went of on a rant and he did what we call " quemado " the word means " burned " in Spanish. This means when you have asked your invesigador to read or pray multiple times and they haven't that you pull out your scriptures and tesitfy about the blessing that you can recieve and you ask a million questions about why they aren't reading and litteraly burn them with your words and scripture. I don't like this method at all. So I sat there like I knew what was going on! My comp likes to talk a lot when we are in the lessons which is good in a way but he says way too much I am pretty sure he talked for 40 mins to this lady. At the end of this he nudged me which indicated that it was my turn to talk. I didn't have many words or analogies to give but I used the words that I knew and I gave a sincere and caring testimony that was about 8 min long about the importance of reading, praying and about the church. It was sincere and caring. I don't like to "burn the people with scripture and words. 

Well I don't have time to write what I want cause every Monday we are late to Internet. Thanks to my comp... I don't have time to write what I want to write to you guys. And we have a new Zone leader who is not cool and is very strict about the time we have to write our families. 

We met this doctor and he has interest to be baptized we are preparing him right now to be baptized this month! He came to church yesterday. But he slept through some of the classes. Sorry I can't write more thanks to my companion and my Zone leader I can only give a little when I want to give a lot. 

Love you! 

Elder Spencer 

November 3

We walk by a Cementary everyday! I had to take a selfie! 
Baptisms! YAY! 
We went to the Temple! I understood all of it in Spanish!