Wow sounds like life is full right now for you with work and such! And sounds like a lot is happening in the ward!!!
Well I want to explain what happened this week! Here we go!
Well first we have been teaching our investagatores who are going to be baptized this Saturday! Which is awesome! I am soo excited for that! We have been searching for inactive families recently and we went to an area that we normally don't go because it is pretty far. But we went and we were knockin some doors in which we had the addresses and we didn't find anyone! We called our Zone Leader who had been in this area before and he told us which house we need to visit! So we went to this house and we found a really cool lady! She had some crazy stories to tell and we were there for like 45 min listening to her stories! After we told her that we have been looking for her family because they haven't been coming to our ward for 4 or 5 years something like that I don't really remember... but she said that she was active and that she was attending the ward in another stake. We congratulated her but we told her that she is in the system of our ward records and that is it important to attend her home ward which is our ward. And after she said she would start attending our ward!
We are really focusing on family! We have about 7 inactive families that live in this area of the lady I was talking about. And we asked her if she knew any of the families but unfortuneatly she didn't know any. So right now we are searching for them in order to rescue them! Each day is an adventure! Peru is amazing and I am loving it sooooo much! This place, the experience, the people! It is something alright! Hope all is well!
Elder Spencer
This was a note in the blog of Elder Spencer Bradford who is also in the same mission and was MTC roommate with Nate:
Elder Spencer is doing amazing with the language and is going to be a truly amazing missionary. We have talked many times about life in the field and life afterwards. We have helping each other and I know that God put us here together for a reason.